Notes on UX design

Some past notes from Google Professional course on UX design

Some past notes from Google Professional course on UX design


  • Entry-level 
    • Research 
    • Wireframe 
    • Prototype 
    • Creating information architecture 
    • Communicating effectively 
  • Interaction designer 
  • Visual designer 
  • Motion designer 
  • UX researcher 
  • UX writer 
  • UX program manager 
  • UX engineer 
  • Conversation designer     

Skill types 

  • Specialists 
  • Generalist 
  • T-shaped   

User experience 

  • How a person, the user, feels about interacting with or experiencing a product 
    • Usable 
      • Clear and easy to use 
    • Equitable 
      • Address needs of people with diverse abilities and background 
    • Enjoyable 
      • Postive connections with users and inspire positive reaction from users 
    • Useful 
      • Solves user problems 
  • Business value 
    • Good experience leads to more users and recommendations   

Design process 

  • Understand 
  • Specify 
  • Design 
  • Evaluate     

Product development life cycle 


  • Brainstorm: 
    • Know the user problem want to solve and have ideas 
  • Define: 
    • Figure out specifications for the product 
  • Design: 
    • Wireframe prototypes 
  • Test 
    • Internal test 
    • Stakeholder test 
    • Potential user test 
  • Launch: 
    • Go live!       

Key frameworks 

Five elements framework 

  • Turn idea into working product 
    • Strategy 
    • Scope 
      • Determine features 
    • Structure 
      • Figure out how to organize design and how users interacts 
    • Skeleton 
    • Surface 
      • Where users see 

5 layers of framework  

Design thinking framework 

  • Create solutions that address problems  
    • Empathize 
      • Think and feel like users 
      • Through research, interviews… 
    • Define 
      • Problem statement 
    • Ideate 
      • Come up ideas (Focus on quantity) 
    • Prototype 
    • Test 

Design thinking framework  


Issues of users 

  • Cost 
    • May not afford good device 
    • ram 
  • Connectivity 
    • Continuous access to internet 
    • Giving ability for user to load offline 
  • Digital literacy 
    • Clear guidance 
    • Video tutorials 
  • Literacy   


  • Major 4 types 
    • Cognitive 
    • Visual 
    • Motor 
    • deaf or hard of hearing 
  • Status 
    • Permanent 
    • Temporary 
    • Situational 
  • Equity focused design     

UX design tools 

Wireframe and prototyping tools 

  • Figma 
  • Adobe XD 
  • Sketch 
  • Framer   

Presentation tools 

  • Google slides 
  • Powerpoint 
  • Keynote   

Image creation tools 

  • illustrator 
  • Photoshop   

Animation tools 

  • Lottie 
  • Aftereffect   


  • Usability test 
  • Interview 
  • Survey 

More about Users  

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