Some learning notes about UIKit, Swift, SwiftUI and Objective-C.
Project Structure
@State & @Binding
$ symbol
- Binding
- e.g. in actionSheet, using $variable allows actionSheet update its value instead of solely reading its value
- Creates pointer in memory, not necessarily making variable mutable
- Views that listen to the @State variable will auto change their presentations according to the variable
- Require caller to pass in a $Variable Normal usage
With Object
The target should contain identifiable “unique” items (String normally considered as not identifiable, since two string might look the same but are used to identify different stuff)
To force foreach to think each the element are identifiable
Different ForEach list method
Assume there is a list:
From 0 to end of list
For indices
For all items in the list
Normal number for each
- Swift uses three dots “…” instead of “..”
Symbols & Icons
Download SF symbols Sample usage:
Factoring out bricks
a. New VIEW struct b. Var some view
LazyVGrid (Makes as small as possible to fit more) Other stacks (Use up all available spaces)
To take all open space available that no one want
Aspect ratio
Classes and Structures
Output -> Boeing
Output -> Airbus
New struct
Similar to what Java does
1. Create new struct (better in new Swift file)
2. Initialize
In normal case
If the struct needs to have $Variable, a list of it will be:
Standard comment
To create sections in code